HP Envy x360 13z-ag000

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Reason: Stub (Discuss in Talk:HP Envy x360 13z-ag000)

The HP Envy X360 13z-ag000 was released in 2018. It has variable processors/ram and displays, from a Ryzen Mobile 2300U to a 2700U, from 4GB RAM to 16GB RAM, and a 1080p display to a 4K display.

The specs of my particular model are:

  • 2500U with 16GB RAM
  • 4K display
  • Realtek RTL8822BE wireless chip
Device Model Working? Modules
GPU AMD Vega IGPU Yes xf86-video-amdgpu; Backlight works
Wifi Realtek RTL8822BE Yes r8822be
Bluetooth Realtek RTL8822BE Yes btusb
Audio Yes snd_hda_intel
Touchpad Synaptics Yes synaptics
Camera Normal 1080p + IR 336x340 Yes uvcvideo
Sensors STM Sensor hub No On Windows used for orientation sensing and hard drive drop protection
USB C AMD xHCI Host Controller No Data and DP working

Installing Arch

This laptop has secure boot enabled by default. To start the installer you need to disable it in the UEFI. Then you can just boot the installer in UEFI mode and just install like a normal UEFI system.

There appears to be an option to use your own Secureboot keys. I have not yet investigated that.

Battery and Power Management

a 4 hour battery life because of the 4K display. Currently I'm running a patched 4.17 kernel; 4.18 might improve battery life somewhat.

Display, Video Card

The integrated Vega GPU works with the AMDGPU drivers. GDK_SCALE=2 is somewhat necessary for most applications.


The"Bang & Olufsen" top-soundbar is by default disabled. You can activate it by using the "hdajackretask" utility provided by alsa-tools. More information can be found in this thread: https://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=189331

The exact pinout can be found in this attachment: https://bugzilla.kernel.org/attachment.cgi?id=282109&action=edit

   Options : [x] Show unconnected
             [ ] Set model  =  auto
             [X] Advanced ovveride
             [ ] Parser hints
   Pin ID; 0x14 
   [x] Override
   Connectivity : Jack; Location : Internal; Device : Speaker; Jack : Other Analog
   Color : Unknown; Jack detection : Not present; Channel group : 5; Channel : Front
   Pin ID: 0x17
   [X] Override
   Connectivity : Jack; Location : Internal; Device : Speaker; Jack : Other
   Color : Unknown; Jack detection : Not present; Channel group : 5; Channel : Back

Note: that the top-soundbar only fires when using close to the max volume.

Touchscreen and Stylus

Kernel 4.19.5 or greater is needed. [1] [2]

The built in ELAN digitizer does not use the wacom driver by default, but it can be configured to do so. Switching to the wacom driver allows easier configuration of the digitizer and pen through tools like xsetwacom. This can be achieved with the following xorg configuration file:

Section "InputClass"
    Identifier "Elan driver override"
    MatchUSBID "04f3:*"
    MatchDevicePath "/dev/input/event*"
    MatchIsTablet "true"
    Driver "wacom"

After a reboot xsetwacom should now correctly register the device.

$ xsetwacom --list devices
ELAN0732:00 04F3:262A stylus    	id: 13	type: STYLUS    
ELAN0732:00 04F3:262A eraser    	id: 18	type: ERASER

You can use xinput to probe the different devices and find out what actions get triggered by which buttons. For instance, the "wacom bamboo ink" pen triggers the eraser device while touching the screen while maintaining the second side button pressed.

$ xinput test $deviceID

The following simple example script will bind rightclick to the eraser device.

device=$(xsetwacom --list | grep -i "eraser" |  awk '{print $(NF-2)}') 
xsetwacom --set "$device" button 1 3

Orientation Sensor

No IIO sensors are enumerated as of 4.18-rc7, even with all possible IIO modules compiled. iio-sensor-proxy (from iio-sensor-proxy) returns no sensors detected.

Wireless Networking

Works out of the box. aspm=0 seems to prevent the card from dropping offline as much, but also worsens battery life.


Works out of the box with Motorola Pulse Escape on kernel 4.19.5.

Hard Drive

Built-in NVME drive works with advertised speed. Blockdevices are located at /dev/nvme0n1p*.

Dual Boot

Untested, but there should not any difficulties.

Tested on the 13ag-0005ng, which is identical in specs (Ryzen 5 2500U, 16GB DDR4), except for the display, which is 1080p instead of 4k. Dual Booting with Windows 10 works just like it does on other devices. No difficulties.