
From ArchWiki

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Notes: This tables only has 3 entries, do we really need a separate page for this? If so, we should Move the Clevo section of the Laptop/Other page to a new page. (Discuss in Talk:Laptop/Fujitsu)

Model List

Model version Date Video Sound Ethernet Wireless Bluetooth Power management Modem Other Remarks
Lifebook T902 2017-08-01 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Untested Touchscreen drivers needs to be manually removed and re-added after suspend. Rotation lock, A and B buttons do nothing.
Tablet mode essentially unusable: rotating screen and disabling the keyboard / touchpad automatically does not work.
Lifebook T904 2014 Untested Untested Untested Yes Untested Untested Untested The fingerprint reader does not appear to be a supported model. If unused, consider disabling physically in the BIOS. Update BIOS to version 1.08 to fix fan noise.
Amilo Se 1520 2007 Yes Yes* Untested Yes Yes Untested *SPDIF and external microphone do not work. Internal microphone cannot be disabled and has no volume control.
Special buttons on the left side of the keyboard do not work out of the box.