Lenovo ThinkPad X250
Hardware | PCI/USB ID | Working? |
Touchpad | Yes | |
TrackPoint | Yes | |
Keyboard | Yes | |
Video | 8086:1616 |
Yes |
Webcam | 5986:0366 |
Yes |
Bluetooth | 8087:0a2a |
Yes |
SD-card reader | 10ec:5227 |
Yes |
Audio | 8086:160c |
Yes |
Wireless | 8086:095b |
Yes |
Ethernet | 8086:15a2 |
Yes |
Mobile broadband | Yes | |
Fingerprint reader | 138a:0017 |
Yes |
Smartcard reader | 058f:9540 |
Yes |
fwupd does not support this device yet.
To update the firmware on the device, get the latest bootable CD and follow the steps in Flashing BIOS from Linux#Bootable optical disk emulation.
In order to get control of the audio from Intel hdmi, you have to disable it and force alsa to use Intel PCH. See ALSA#Set the default sound card to set the default sound card to Intel PCH (speakers and headphones).
options snd_hda_intel index=1,0