From ArchWiki

According to Wikipedia

MLVWM or Macintosh-Like Virtual Window Manager, is an FVWM descendant created by Takashi Hasegawa in 1997 while studying at Nagoya University and was written entirely in the C programming language. As its name implies, it attempts to emulate the pre-Mac OS X Macintosh look and feel in its layout and window design.


Install the mlvwmAUR package or compile from source.


MLVWM must be started through xinit or a display manager that supports running the ".xinitrc" file.

MLVWM also has no fallback for configuration files, so it has to be able to find a config file.


MLVWM is configured through the ".mlvwmrc" file located in your home folder. The current developer has some sample config files that can be setup by following the instructions on the page. Those configuration files have mostly everything in them and are the easiest way to get a working install.

Adding menu entries

The logo menu's items and the global navigation bar's items are defined in .mlvwmrc (or the theme files for the logo menu and app configs for the global navigation bar if you use the sample config) and do not auto-generate. They must be defined manually and MLVWM must be restarted for the changes to become active

See also