Offline installation
If you wish to install the Archiso (e.g. the official monthly release) as it is without an Internet connection, or, if you do not want to download the packages you want again:
First, follow the Installation guide, skipping the Installation guide#Connect to the internet section, until the Installation guide#Install essential packages step.
There are two main methods to enable bootstrapping the new installation: preparing a local pacman repository with all the required files, and manually copying the files from the archiso. The first version is highly recommended.
Local Repository Method (Recommended)
Prepare local repository
Follow Pacman/Tips and tricks#Installing packages from a CD/DVD or USB stick for instructions on preparing a local repository with the necessary files on a separate host installation.
At the very least, for a functioning system, the following packages are recommended:
# pacman -Syw --cachedir . --dbpath /tmp/blankdb base base-devel linux linux-firmware systemd mkinitcpio vim
Create your custom offline repository
# repo-add ./custom.db.tar.gz ./*
Mount and configure
Once the repository is prepared, connect the external media to the new installation, and mount it on the newly created root filesystem:
# mkdir /mnt/repo # mount /dev/sdX /mnt/repo
Edit your archiso /etc/pacman.conf
and add a new section:
[custom] SigLevel = Optional Server = file:///mnt/repo/
Comment out [core]
, [extra]
and [community]
so that pacman does not fail on the default repositories.
You can now continue to pacstrap your locally-available packages to the new installation:
# pacstrap /mnt base base-devel linux linux-firmware mkinitcpio systemd vim
In case the new system is expected to remain offline or airgapped, it should be configured to expect local repositories only.
After chrooting into your new installation, edit the new /etc/pacman.conf
in the same way as previously (but without the /mnt
[custom] SigLevel = Optional Server = file:///repo/
Comment out all other repositories and save. Continue configuring the new system as usual.
From now on any updates to the offline system can be made by bringing an up to date copy of the local repository, mounting it to /repo
and running pacman commands as usual.
File Copy Method
Install the archiso to the new root
Instead of installing the packages with pacstrap
(which would try to download from the remote repositories), copy everything in the live environment to the new root:
# cp -ax / /mnt
) excludes some special directories, as they should not be copied to the new root.Then, copy the kernel image to the new root, in order to keep the integrity of the new system:
# cp -vaT /run/archiso/bootmnt/arch/boot/$(uname -m)/vmlinuz /mnt/boot/vmlinuz-linux
After that, generate a fstab as described in Installation guide#Fstab.
Chroot and configure the base system
Next, chroot into your newly installed system:
# arch-chroot /mnt /bin/bash
Restore the configuration of journald
This customization of archiso will lead to storing the system journal in RAM, it means that the journal will not be available after reboot:
# sed -i 's/Storage=volatile/#Storage=auto/' /etc/systemd/journald.conf
Remove special udev rule
This rule of udev starts the dhcpcd automatically if there are any wired network interfaces.
# rm /etc/udev/rules.d/81-dhcpcd.rules
Disable and remove the services created by archiso
Some service files are created for the Live environment, please disable pacman-init.service
, choose-mirror.service
and remove the file as they are unnecessary for the new system:
# rm -r /etc/systemd/system/{choose-mirror.service,pacman-init.service,etc-pacman.d-gnupg.mount,[email protected]} # rm /etc/systemd/scripts/choose-mirror
Remove special scripts of the Live environment
There are some scripts installed in the live system by archiso scripts, which are unnecessary for the new system:
# rm /etc/systemd/system/[email protected]/autologin.conf # rm /root/{,.zlogin} # rm /etc/mkinitcpio-archiso.conf # rm -r /etc/initcpio
file is no longer available, see #Configuring Initramfs for additional instructionsImporting archlinux keys
In order to use the official repositories, we need to import the archlinux master keys (pacman/Package signing#Initializing the keyring). This step is usually done by pacstrap but can be achieved with
# pacman-key --init # pacman-key --populate
Configuring Initramfs
Since you have copied the filesystem from the archiso, the mkinitcpio.conf
needs to be edited in order for the proper initramfs to be installed.
Open up /etc/mkinitcpio.conf
in a text editor of your choice and comment/remove the only uncommented HOOKS
and replace with:
# HOOKS=(base udev autodetect modconf block filesystems keyboard fsck)
Configure the system
Now you can follow the skipped steps of the Installation guide#Configure the system section (setting a locale, timezone, hostname, etc.) and finish the installation by creating an initial ramdisk as described in Installation guide#Initramfs.