Samsung R430

From ArchWiki

Tango-edit-clear.pngThis article or section does not follow the Laptop page guidelines.Tango-edit-clear.png

Reason: Needs more entries (and IDs) in hardware table, lacks firmware and function keys section. (Discuss in Talk:Samsung R430)

Tango-view-refresh-red.pngThis article or section is out of date.Tango-view-refresh-red.png

Reason: Laptop page not modified since creation in 2010 (Discuss in Talk:Samsung R430)
Hardware PCI/USB ID Working?
Touchpad Partial
Keyboard Yes
Video Yes
Wireless Yes


Activating two-finger scroll does not seem to work.

Screen brightness

To enable screen brightness, you need to install and activate the kernel module nvidia-bl-dkmsAUR from the AUR. It needs some options tweaked however, so edit /etc/modprobe.d/modprobe.conf to contain:

options nvidia-bl max_level=131071 shift=9

In different models or with different video cards this might not work

max_level is a number one less than a power of 2. to find the ideal one for your laptop just load it with a value (the default is 2047), like

 # modprobe nvidia-bl max_level=level

and, if it is not bright enough, try with the next number, not without unloading the module first:

 # rmmod nvidia-bl

The shift parameter bit-shifts the brightness values, as to make it a sane number. The recommended is to make it so max_level is 256, so it can be calculated by adding one to the max_value (getting a power of two), then calculating the base 2 logarithm of that, and subtracting 8 from the result.

finally, you have to load the module, to do this, just issue

 # modprobe nvidia-bl

To load it automatically at boot, add a nvidia-bl.conf file as described in Kernel modules#Automatic module loading with systemd.

The brightness level can then be set by writing the desired value to /sys/class/backlight/nvidia_backlight/brightness

Enable and disable features

To make managing the features of the notebook easier, you can install samsung-toolsAUR. Just install it and follow the instructions given by the install script.