PostgreSQL (简体中文)
PostgreSQL是一个开源的,社区驱动的,符合标准的 对象-关系型 数据库系统。
安装 postgresql,并为新用户postgres设置一个密码 。
作为前置符号。你可以以root用户执行su - postgres
登陆postgres用户。如果你使用sudo,可以以普通用户执行sudo -i -u postgres
# sudo su - postgres -c "initdb --locale en_US.UTF-8 -E UTF8 -D '/var/lib/postgres/data'"
启动PostgreSQL,(可选),添加 PostgreSQL 到daemons列表里作为守护进程同时启动:
# systemctl enable postgresql.service # systemctl start postgresql.service
以 postgres 用户身份, 添加一个新的数据库用户使用 createuser 命令
[postgres]$ createuser --interactive
输入要增加的角色名称: 我登录 Arch 的用户名
以具备读写权限的用户身份,创建一个新的数据库,使用createdb 命令。
从你的 shell (不是 以 postrgres 用户的身份)
$ createdb myDatabaseName
登陆为postgres用户,启动主要数据库shell psql,你可以创建数据库或表、设计权限和运行原始的SQL命令。使用-d
[postgres]$ psql -d myDatabaseName
- 帮助
=> \help
- 连接到数据库<database>
=> \c <database>
- 列出所有用户以及他们的权限
=> \du
- 展示当前数据库中所有的表相关的汇总信息
=> \dt
- 退出psql
=> \q or CTRL+d
配置 PostgreSQL 被远程访问
PostgreSQL Server 的配置文件是 postgresql.conf
。此文件在数据库数据目录中,通常在 /var/lib/postgres/data
。这个目录也包含其他主要的配置文件,包括 pg_hba.conf
或 locate
。在connections and authentications选项中,按照你的需要添加listen_addresses
listen_addresses = 'localhost,my_remote_server_ip_address'
# IPv4 local connections: host all all my_remote_client_ip_address/32 md5
在完成编辑后你需要重启 postgresql.service
# journalctl -u postgresql
Configure PostgreSQL to work with PHP
Install the PHP-PostgreSQL modules php-pgsql.
Edit the file /etc/php/php.ini
. Find the line that starts with:
Change it to:
If you need PDO, do the same thing with ;
and ;
. If these lines are not present, add them. These lines may be in the "Dynamic Extensions" section of the file, or toward the very end of the file.
Restart the Apache web server:
- systemctl restart httpd
Change default data dir (optional)
The default directory where all your newly created databases will be stored is /var/lib/postgres/data
. To change this, follow these steps:
Create the new directory and assign it to user postgres
(you eventually have to become root):
mkdir -p /pathto/pgroot/data chown -R postgres:postgres /pathto/pgroot
Become the postgres user(change to root, then postgres user), and initialize the new cluster:
initdb -D /pathto/pgroot/data
If not using systemd, edit /etc/conf.d/postgresql
and change the PGROOT variable(optionally PGLOG) to point to your new pgroot directory:
#PGROOT="/var/lib/postgres/" PGROOT="/pathto/pgroot/"
If using systemd, edit /etc/systemd/system/
, which links to /usr/lib/systemd/system/postgresql.service
, and change the default PGROOT path.
#Environment=PGROOT=/var/lib/postgres/ Environment=PGROOT=/pathto/pgroot/
You will also need to change the default PIDFile path.
Change default encoding of new databases to UTF-8
When creating a new database (e.g. with createdb blog
) PostgreSQL actually copies a template database. There are two predefined templates: template0 is vanilla, while template1 is meant as an on-site template changeable by the administrator and is used by default. In order to change the encoding of new database, one of the options is to change on-site template1. To do this, log into PostgresSQL shell (psql) and execute the following:
First, we need to drop template1. Templates cannot be dropped, so we first modify it so it is an ordinary database:
UPDATE pg_database SET datistemplate = FALSE WHERE datname = 'template1';
Now we can drop it:
DROP DATABASE template1;
The next step is to create a new database from template0, with a new default encoding:
Now modify template1 so it is actually a template:
UPDATE pg_database SET datistemplate = TRUE WHERE datname = 'template1';
(OPTIONAL) If you do not want anyone connecting to this template, set datallowconn to FALSE:
UPDATE pg_database SET datallowconn = FALSE WHERE datname = 'template1';
.Now you can create a new database by running from regular shell:
su - su - postgres createdb blog;
If you log in back to psql and check the databases, you should see the proper encoding of your new database:
List of databases Name | Owner | Encoding | Collation | Ctype | Access privileges -----------+----------+-----------+-----------+-------+---------------------- blog | postgres | UTF8 | C | C | postgres | postgres | SQL_ASCII | C | C | template0 | postgres | SQL_ASCII | C | C | =c/postgres : postgres=CTc/postgres template1 | postgres | UTF8 | C | C |
- phpPgAdmin — Web-based administration tool for PostgreSQL.
- pgAdmin — GUI-based administration tool for PostgreSQL.
This is for upgrading from 9.2 to 9.3.
pacman -S --needed postgresql-old-upgrade su - su - postgres -c 'mv /var/lib/postgres/data /var/lib/postgres/data-9.2' su - postgres -c 'mkdir /var/lib/postgres/data' su - postgres -c 'initdb --locale en_US.UTF-8 -E UTF8 -D /var/lib/postgres/data'
If you had custom settings in configuration files like pg_hba.conf and postgresql.conf, merge them into the new ones. Then:
su - postgres -c 'pg_upgrade -b /opt/pgsql-9.2/bin/ -B /usr/bin/ -d /var/lib/postgres/data-9.2 -D /var/lib/postgres/data'
If the "pg_upgrade" step fails with:
cannot write to log file pg_upgrade_internal.log
Failure, exiting
Make sure you're in a directory that the "postgres" user has enough rights to write the log file to (/tmp
for example). Or use "su - postgres" instead of "sudo -u postgres". -
LC_COLLATE error that says that old and new values are different
Figure out what the old locale was, C or en_US.UTF-8 for example, and force it when calling initdb.
sudo -u postgres LC_ALL=C initdb -D /var/lib/postgres/data
There seems to be a postmaster servicing the old cluster.
Please shutdown that postmaster and try again.
Make sure postgres isn't running. If you still get the error then chances are these an old PID file you need to clear out.
> sudo -u postgres ls -l /var/lib/postgres/data-9.2 total 88 -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 4 Mar 25 2012 PG_VERSION drwx------ 8 postgres postgres 4096 Jul 17 00:36 base drwx------ 2 postgres postgres 4096 Jul 17 00:38 global drwx------ 2 postgres postgres 4096 Mar 25 2012 pg_clog -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 4476 Mar 25 2012 pg_hba.conf -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 1636 Mar 25 2012 pg_ident.conf drwx------ 4 postgres postgres 4096 Mar 25 2012 pg_multixact drwx------ 2 postgres postgres 4096 Jul 17 00:05 pg_notify drwx------ 2 postgres postgres 4096 Mar 25 2012 pg_serial drwx------ 2 postgres postgres 4096 Jul 17 00:53 pg_stat_tmp drwx------ 2 postgres postgres 4096 Mar 25 2012 pg_subtrans drwx------ 2 postgres postgres 4096 Mar 25 2012 pg_tblspc drwx------ 2 postgres postgres 4096 Mar 25 2012 pg_twophase drwx------ 3 postgres postgres 4096 Mar 25 2012 pg_xlog -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 19169 Mar 25 2012 postgresql.conf -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 48 Jul 17 00:05 postmaster.opts -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 80 Jul 17 00:05 # <-- This is the problem > sudo -u postgres mv /var/lib/postgres/data-9.2/ /tmp
ERROR: could not access file "$libdir/postgis-2.0": No such file or directory
Retrieve from postgis package for version postgresql 9.2 () and copy it to /opt/pgsql-9.2/lib (make sure the privileges are right)
需要注意的是,这些指令可能会导致数据丢失。 后果自负.
推荐把下面的加入你的 /etc/pacman.conf
IgnorePkg = postgresql postgresql-libs
这将确保你不会不小心将数据库升级到不兼容的版本中。当一个升级可用时,pacman将通知你,因为在pacman.conf中的设置,它跳过了升级。小版本升级 (e.g., 9.0.3 to 9.0.4) 可以被安全地执行。不过,当如果你突然做一个不同的主版本升级时,(e.g., 9.0.X to 9.1.X), 您可能无法访问你的任何数据。请务必检查PostgreSQL的主页 ( ,以确认每次升级所需要的步骤。对于为什么是这种情况见 versioning policy。
For those wishing to use pg_upgrade
, a postgresql-old-upgrade package is available in the repositories that will always run one major version behind the real PostgreSQL package. This can be installed side by side with the new version of PostgreSQL. When you are ready to perform the upgrade, you can do
pacman -Syu postgresql postgresql-libs postgresql-old-upgrade
Note also that the data directory does not change from version to version, so before running pg_upgrade it is necessary to rename your existing data directory and migrate into a new directory. The new database must be initialized by starting the server, as described near the top of this page. The server then needs to be stopped before running pg_upgrade.
# systemctl stop postgresql # su - postgres -c 'mv /var/lib/postgres/data /var/lib/postgres/olddata' # systemctl start postgresql # systemctl stop postgresql
Reference the upstream pg_upgrade documentation for details.
The upgrade invocation will likely look something like the following (run as the postgres user). Do not run this command blindly without understanding what it does!
# su - postgres -c 'pg_upgrade -d /var/lib/postgres/olddata/ -D /var/lib/postgres/data/ -b /opt/pgsql-8.4/bin/ -B /usr/bin/'
You could also do something like this (after the upgrade and install of postgresql-old-upgrade) (NB: these instructions DO NOT seem to work for 9.2 -> 9.3 upgrades)
# systemctl stop postgresql # /opt/pgsql-8.4/bin/pg_ctl -D /var/lib/postgres/olddata/ start # pg_dumpall >> old_backup.sql # /opt/pgsql-8.4/bin/pg_ctl -D /var/lib/postgres/olddata/ stop # systemctl start postgresql # psql -f old_backup.sql postgres
Improve performance of small transactions
If you are using PostgresSQL on a local machine for development and it seems slow, you could try turning synchronous_commit off in the configuration (/var/lib/postgres/data/postgresql.conf
). Beware of the caveats, however.
synchronous_commit = off
PostgreSQL periodically updates its internal "statistics" file. By default, this file is stored on disk, which prevents disks spinning down on laptops and causes hard drive seek noise. It's simple and safe to relocate this file to a memory-only file system with the following configuration option:
stats_temp_directory = '/run/postgresql'